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Who is Angela Kelly, the best friend of the Queen of Great Britain?

There is the saying that if you are born poor there is no shame, you as a person with no guilt, but if you die the same, without having managed to create a meaning in your life, then you can only be blamed. This is also the moving story of Angela Kelly, a simple woman who lived in a poor neighborhood in Liverpool, and has now come to sit down with Queen Elizabeth II and beyond!

The British media reports that a strong friendship has been created between the two, often seen together on the halls of Buckingham Palace  , talking and laughing. Angela is the "right hand" of the Queen of Great Britain and has gradually become a sister to the Sovereign. 

Who is Angela Kelly, the woman who is "like a sister" to Queen Elizabeth II

Angela Kelly grew up in a poor neighborhood in Liverpool, where there are family homes, similar to social housing. However, his ambitions in life had nothing to do with his environment, thus creating a name for himself. Angela is a costume designer, but later became the personal assistant of Queen Elizabeth, and from there things have only evolved to benefit the fashion designer.
Kelly's official duties are those of a personal assistant, counselor, also dealing with her basic job, and the Queen's jewelry and outfits. Behind the closed doors, however, she is one of the people in whom Elizabeth II has the most confidence, the British press explaining that the two would be "like sisters". 
Palace employees claim that Queen Elizabeth often prefers Angela's company, and when she announces to her that "she's a little out," this most likely means she's going to look for her good friend. 
"We talk about makeup, clothes, jewelry. (..) I don't know why Regina likes me so much, sometimes I'm not the most pleasant company, ”Angela said in an interview. Given their close relationship, there will soon be a book about the friendship of the two, after Queen Elizabeth II allowed Angela to "divulge" some secrets of their lives, such as the fact that the Sovereign is capable of imitating accents. 
Angela Kelly, age 66, has three children and came to the Palace after impressing Queen Mother's personal stylist. Since then he has become a member of the team that handles the affairs of the British Royal House, making, for example, the robe in which Prince George was baptized. 
Who is Angela Kelly, the best friend of the Queen of Great Britain? Who is Angela Kelly, the best friend of the Queen of Great Britain? Reviewed by Herbal Plants on September 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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